上海-浦东新区 其他-其他
璞锐是策略性传播研究的全球领导者,为国际上500多家企业和品牌服务。我们位于美洲、欧洲和亚太地区的六个研究中心内,经验丰富的项目经理及研究员,针对全球35个市场、15个行业别的传播发展趋势进行分析并提供咨询服务。 基于15年以上的信息研究和咨询经验,璞锐拥有准确的分析工具协助我们的客户: ? 凸显企业形象、增加品牌价值 ? 进行议题管理和危机沟通 ? 评估沟通活动的效益及价值 ? 建立以效益为基础的沟通管理机制 璞锐的承诺: 我们的传播研究和咨询服务具有全局性、广泛性和个性定制等特点,能够在媒体和传播环境快速转变的时代,为我们的客户创造竞争优势。 PRIME is a global leader in strategic communication research, making a difference at over 500 companies and brands around the globe. Our project managers and analysts in six research centers in the Americas, Europe and Asia/Pacific constantly monitor, analyze and consult on communication trends in more than 35 markets around the globe in 15 business sectors. With over 15 years of communications research and consulting experience, we have the tools and services to help our clients > sharpen the reputation and increase brand value > manage issues and crises > prove the value and efficiency of communication activities > establish a performance-driven communication management system We make a simple promise. Our holistic, comprehensive and customized approach to communication research and consulting will give our clients a competitive advantage in a rapidly changing media and communications environment.
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