福建-莆田 民营-综合行业
莆田市坤英奇实业有限公司 2015年初投产200台飞织设备,2016年5月份又增进了105台最新款的C型机(40寸的),该机型为动态度目,产能比原来横机增加了30%。8月份又签订了60台52寸的最新款横机专门生产匹布的。到今年底将扩大到500台横机。目前所生产的款式有:裁片、一体、半邦一体、匹布等四个品种。每月的产能大概在60多万双左右,年产量大约在700多万双。 目前是接思凯捷和国内的安踏、菲乐等一些品牌。 目前所生产的飞织有一体、半邦一体、裁剪片、匹布等四个品种。在这四个品种上又进行了面上研发:比如防水、夜光。 KYQ started to make flyknit products from Jan/2015 with 200 machines, and added 105 latest version of “C” type machines(40”) in May/2016, this kind of machine is dynamic computing which will promote the output by 30%. Later in August/2016 we signed a contract to purchase another 60 latest version of warp knitting machines (52”) to produce yard flyknit products. We have planned to expand warp knitting machine quantity to be 500 by end of 2016 and able to adjust the scale according to customer‘s development request whenever needed. ? At present, our monthly capacity is about 600,000 pairs, yearly capacity is around 7 million pairs. Capacity is based on the difficulty of different uppers and will be increased while new machines are added. Currently our customers are Skechers/Anta FILA etc. Now our product development team has 10 persons including 6 technicians for pattern design. Presently our flyknit products mainly are whole piece, cutting piece, yard fly
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