天津-和平区 外商独资-教育机构
公司简介 龎帝教育咨询有限公司总部成立于美国硅谷,并相继于台湾及天津成立分公司,目前已经成立三年,志在创造结合人工智能的学习平台以满足每个学生的需求,运用翻转教室概念及游戏化的学习方式解决以往中文学习中的困扰。我们拥有多个技术**的教学产品,我们的目标客户已从美国扩展*全世界想学习中文的朋友! 公司的4位创办人均为***的领导人才,拥有多次成功创辨、上百个专利申请及美国NASDAQ上市的经验,赢得众多专业投资人认可及支持。目前公司已进行到A轮募资,且已成功募资600万美元,*近更是被美国大学理事会批准AP配合智慧课本的在线课程。欢迎有创意和理想的人才加入我们,一起共创一片天! About Us Ponddy Education Inc. is an education technology (Edu-Tech) company currently in stealth mode. The company's headquarter is located in San Jose (capital of Silicon Valley), California, USA. Ponddy Education Inc. is a global company and has a wholly own subsidiary, Ponddy Education Taiwan Ltd., located in Taiwan. The employees work closely with the founders and the Silicon Valley team to develop the state-of-the-art personalized learning platform. The company operates in a Silicon Valley style working environment where new ideas and creativity are well respected. The company was founded by a group of series entrepreneurs and technologist who have solid track record., including filing IPO at NASDAQ and/or being acquired by a larger corporation. Our Mission Our mission is to create and commercialize the most effective life-long learning solutions, integrating machine learning technologies with exciting self-learning materials and on-demand live teachers, individually personalized for various age groups and professions across the globe. http://www.ponddy.ai/
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