北京-朝阳区 外商独资-综合行业
成长中的斯达克听力技术(苏州)有限公司欢迎大家加入! STARKEY HEARING TECHNOLOGY IS GROWING LOOKING FORWARD YOUR JOINING 美国斯达克试验室,在全球18个国家,拥有33个工厂,超过4500名的雇员。斯达克试验室是个世界级水平的助听器制造商,在美国占有最大的市场份额。我们主要生产最尖端的助听器、语训设备、蓝牙设备等其它听力相关的产品。作为助听器业界高科技的领导者,斯达克中国公司成为斯达克全球战略中制造基地之一。 Starkey Laboratories is an American corporation with 33 facilities in 18 countries throughout the world, with a workforce of over 4,500. Starkey Laboratories is a world class manufacturer of hearing aids, and owns the largest market share in America. Our products include hearing aid, Lexis equips, blue tooth and related hearing equipment. As the leader of high-tech hearing products, Starkey (Suzhou) Hearing Technology Co., Ltd. is now the manufacture center of Starkey global stratagem. 美国总部最先进的听力技术、生产工艺、设备、管理理念将会给我们苏州工业园区新的制造中心发展带来新的机遇。作为一个外商投资企业,我们提倡以人为本的理念,注重员工的价值,高水准的办公环境,个人职业发展的机会,有竞争力的薪资福利,有些职位将会有海外培训机会。 The newest hearing technology from our headquarters in America is creating new opportunities. We have newly created positions in Manufacturing, Engineering and Management at our facility in SIP. As a foreign invested company, we understand people are the priority. A good working environment, good opportunities for personal growth and competitive compensation and benefits are all part of our company culture. Some positions will have opportunities for overseas training. 如果你想成为我们团队的一员,拥有一个更好的自我展现平台,开创更辉煌的未来,请加入我们斯达克听力技术(苏州)有限公司。 If you want to be part of our growing team, want a bright future and want a good stage to show yourself, please join us at Starkey (Suzhou) Hearing Technology Co., Ltd.
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