广东-中山 民营-综合行业
中山市阿尔宾纳进出口公司位于中国照明之都——古镇镇,公司成立于2017年6月,成立背景基于海外母公司对国内市场的需求而设立。 南非公司VALOTECH261.PTY.LTD自2012年以来,是一家以照明灯饰为主业,卫浴,集贸易于一体的现代多元化企业。产品主要销往南非和周边国家。 公司目前在南非约翰内斯堡拥有一千多平方米的总店营业展厅。在照明灯饰业务方面,成功构建了涵盖灯具,光源,配件,卫浴等相关产品销售的成熟产业链。我们有丰富的出口经验,现在我们的主要产品是LED户外灯具和LED现代装饰灯具及卫浴水龙头。 我们的产品以流行的设计,高质量,有竞争力的价格,优质的服务,深受广大客户的喜爱,在南非,赞比亚,纳米比亚等市场也很受欢迎。 我们的核心价值观:诚实正直 创新 优质服务 努力工作,不断自我提升。 我们的使命:为消费者提供高性价比的产品和服务,助力中国制造全球推广。 我们的愿景:成为全球供应链整合专家。 用心点亮世界,让爱照亮未来,质量保障生活。 Alpina Import & Export Corporation is located in Guzhen Town, China's lighting capital. Since 2012, we are a modern diversified enterprise with lighting and lighting as its main business, bathroom and trade as an organic whole. The company currently has more than 1000 square meters of the main store in South Africa. Johannesburg business exhibition hall in the lighting business, successfully constructed lamps, light fittings, sanitary ware and other related products, sales of mature industry chain. Our products are popular with our customers with popular design, high quality, competitive price and excellent service. They are also popular in South Africa, Zambia, Namibia and other markets Our core values: honesty, integrity, innovation, quality, service, hard work and self-improvement Our mission: to provide consumers with cost-effective products and services, help China make global promotion. Our vision: to become the global supply chain integration experts Guaranteed quality bright life。
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