北京 其他-其他
公司简介: 径点科技有限公司(AvePoint, Inc.) 成立于2001年,是一家拥有独立知识产权的国际化软件公司。公司总部位于美国新泽西州泽西市,并在美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、法国、德国、澳大利亚、日本、新加坡和中国等地均设有分公司。公司作为行业***,为下一代社交协作平台提供了企业级的大数据管理、数据管控与合规性软件解决方案。目前已为全球13,000多家企业客户提供优质服务,其中包括众多世界500强企业和政府机构。同时也是微软深度**合作伙伴及美国政府GSA的战略合作伙伴。2014年初,AvePoint获得美国高盛投资银行 (Goldman Sachs) 一亿美元融资,正式引入高盛成为战略投资者。 AvePoint在中国区设立长春,大连,北京,上海4家分公司。AvePoint 北京是继长春,大连两个成功的研发中心之后,AvePoint在中国创建的**个综合业务的商务中心。自2010年成立以来,北京公司员工数量超百余人次,业务领域涉及研发,销售,技术支持,业务流程设计等,已有 近百人次到访美国,德国,澳大利亚,日本,新加坡等国家接受现场培训。我们将秉承公司自由开放,公平竞争的价值观,为你提供一个充分展示自己的平台和多种出国培训开阔视野的窗口。AvePoint北京期待你的加入! 欲了解有关公司的更多信息,请登录www.AvePoint.com (英文)和www.AvePoint.com.cn (中文)。 Company Profile: AvePoint is a Global technology company and software innovator headquartered in the United States, that was founded in 2001 and based out of Jersey City, NJ, with wholly owned sales and engineering centers in the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, and China. Propelled by its SharePoint-exclusive research & development team, AvePoint serves more than 13,000 customers — including many Fortune 500 companies and government agencies — meet their specific business objectives utilizing SharePoint. AvePoint is a Depth Managed Gold Certified Microsoft Partner and US Government GSA provider via strategic partnerships. In early 2014, AvePoint has received one hundred million USD investment from Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. which formally made Goldman Sachs into a strategic investor of AvePoint. AvePoint China has four branches located in Changchun, Dalian, Beijing and Shanghai. With two established R&D centers in Changchun and Dalian, our Beijing office is the first comprehensive business unit within AvePoint China. Since found in 2010, AvePoint Beijing has more than one hundred employees and covers essential business areas such as R&D, Sales, Support, and Business Process Design, etc. We have sent nearly one hundred person times to be trained aboard in USA, Germany, Australia, Japan and Singapore. Our values are rooted in Freedom, Openness, and Fairness. With these essential core values instilled within us, we hope to provide you with a stage where you can fully demonstrate your talent and training opportunities abroad which will enable you to reach greater successes. We welcome you to unleash your career with AvePoint Beijing! For more information, please find on www.AvePoint.com and www.AvePoint.com.cn.
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