苏州-昆山市 民营-外贸公司 50-150人
LINSON Marine是一家专业的船舶机械零配件供应商。公司成立至今一直致力于为我们的客户提供最优质的服务,我们始终信奉"服务无界限"的经营理念,并勇于创新,不断进取。通过十几年的竭诚努力,已经在全球航运界取得了广泛的认可和支持。如今我们借助上海这个航运和物流中心的得天独厚的平台,期望为我们的客户提供更专业、更周到的增值服务。 公司始终把供应的产品的质量放在***,公司已经通过了ISO9001:2008质量体系认证,我们承诺的产品质量保证期可长达12个月。面向全球采购,并在亚、欧等重要港口备有充足的库存,24小时不间断的运行, 根据客户不同的需求,我们可以及时准确的提供原装件、OEM件、非原装件等不同品质的、范围宽广的船用产品和设备。 我们的业务范围涉及到船舶备件供应、修船业、备件加工等。主要核心业务还是专业的船用备件供应,尤其是提供船用主机和辅机的备件,其中主要涉及的品牌包括:B&W,SULZER,DAIHATSU,YANMAR等。此外同时也提供增压器备件、空压机备件、舱口盖备件、锚链、锚等。 公司全体员工秉持本企业方针"诚信对客户、诚意对员工、诚挚对社会、诚恳对工作。"坚持本企业精神"严密的思考、严谨的作风、严肃的态度、严格的操作。 Linson Marine is specialized in shipping spare parts, our company have import and export rights, and passed ISO 9001 system certification, DNV management certification. We have many branches in major ports all over the world, that’s why we can provide fast and safe services for global customers. We can provide most of original spare parts in China, such as Jiangsu Yuanwang, Nanjing Oasis, Shanghai Rongde, Zhenhua, etc. In addition, we can provide non-standard parts processing services, such as pump impeller, coupling, gear, heater, tail shaft carbon brush, sliding ring, anti-corrosion electrode, custom motor, pump and other products. We can offer high quality S.Korea OEM spare parts of *** machine, also can provide original spare part of S. Korea STX, Doosan, Hyundai which can be replaced for spare parts of Chinese Hudong, Zhen Chai, Shan chai, Dalian Generator factories with extremely competitive price. We can also provide Japan Daihatsu and Yanmar parts . In addition, we can provide conventional products such as oil purifier, generator (AQUA series), pump, oil supply unit, self-cleaning filter for lubricating oil Device, Main and auxiliary supercharger, deck hatch cover, ship electric spare parts, especially from Europe's industrial control products, such as Parker solenoid valves, Danfoss products. Moreover, we are an agent of Parker hydraulic products, SUN safety valve and balance valve, Harvey valve block, domestic and STAF five-star motor. At the same time, our company can provide ALFA, GEA, APV board replacement spare parts, materials are from international first-line brands, such as Kobe board, DuPont fluoride glue etc. Our company provides professional and efficient logistics and customs clearance services for ship-owners. Our company has DHL, ***, federal accounts, and maintains good cooperation with a number of aviation agents. Years of cooperation has made our company have a large freight discount. Every high-quality customer of our company can enjoy such discount. We are also enclosing
英语 苏州-昆山市 大专 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
外贸跟单员 6-8K/月
英语 苏州-昆山市 大专 1-3年
在线沟通 HR
英语 苏州-昆山市 大专 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
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