上海-杨浦区 民营-其他 500人以上
Since our inception, Qn solar has quickly risen to the top of the Chinese PV manufacturing industry. Our senior team has over 15 years of comprehensive expertise in PV technology and PV solutions. From 2014 to now, the installed capacity of our projects has reached 15GW. Our own asset of PV power stations has exceeded 1.5GW. In 2022, Qn solar officially launched global PV business。 Our headquarters is in Shanghai of China, and we have three manufacturing bases in China. As a professional and integrated company, Qn solar has laid out various fields of PV upstream and downstream, including a combined annual production capacity of 40GW PV cells, 20GW PV modules in 2023. Nowadays, under the trend of global carbon reduction, Qn solar can generate about 23 billion kWh of electricity from our asset power stations per year, and reduce about 22 million tons of carbon emissions every year in the current projects. We believe that we will witness a clean world with all mankind shortly.
意大利语 上海-杨浦区 本科 1-3年
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亚太销售经理 10-20K/月
英语 上海-杨浦区 本科 1-3年
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