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做五休二 周末双休 带薪年假 五险 公积金 绩效奖金 节日福利 专业培训
万诚通电子于2005年成立,是一家集研发,销售一体的高新企业,专注于无线蓝牙适配器,蓝牙耳机,蓝牙音箱,蓝牙车载,充电器。拥有自主品牌”Avantree”, 以完善的供应链和分销体系为依托,销售网络遍及全球。 公司总部位于深圳罗湖,在美英港设有分公司,在欧美东南亚拥有分销商网络。在B2C方面,公司除了品牌官网外,我们的业务还在亚马逊,Ebay,速卖通,Newegg等第三方国际平台迅速扩张。 万诚通以”For a Better Experience”为愿景,“成为无线蓝牙适配行业的***”为战略目标,秉承“工匠精神”, 致力为客户提供绝佳的蓝牙方案和体验,让这个世界因为有我们而有一点改变。 诚邀各位有识之士、有志之士加盟万诚通!这里有我们的海归CEO,将西方先进的管理理念完美地运用,打造了一支万诚通的“梦之队”;这里有众多同事跨行业的成功案例,只要你努力,这里会给你一个完全放飞梦想的舞台。 岗位职责: 1.负责Amazon日本渠道产品销售管理,Amazon日本站点销售事宜; 2.制定产品销售目标及计划,高效运作; 3.负责产品的推广方案制定及落地实行,保证产品推广速度及效率; 4.确保公司账号合理合规运营,各渠道库龄合理,不积压; 5.协同管理上下游部门,协调沟通,促进产品销售。 任职资格: 1. ***统招一本以上学历,具备良好的日语阅读能力和书写能力; 2. 具有良好沟通能力,对工作充满激情者; 3. 勇于挑战高薪,有责任和耐心,能够承受较大的工作压力; 4. 有无经验皆可,有外贸或其他英语行业从业经验者优先考虑。 公司待遇: 1. 正式员工每年至少享有1次年度调薪机会; 2. 按国家规定标准购买五险一金(一档综合医保); 3. 完善的培训体系,提供全方位的在职培训; 4. 广阔的学习和发展空间,针对员工个人兴趣及发展意愿量身制定职业发展规划; 5. 每年组织团体旅游一次; 6. 凡入职满1年员工,可享受每年3天的带薪假期,满2年,享受每年7天的带薪假期,2年之后每满一年多一天; 7. 每年年终奖,年会及丰厚的过年红包; 8. 双休及弹性工作时间(8:30-17:30或9:30-18:30,周一到周五)。 Avantronics Ltd was established in 2005. It is a high-tech enterprise integrating R & D and sales, focusing on wireless Bluetooth adapters, Bluetooth headsets, Bluetooth speakers, Bluetooth cars, chargers. With its own brand "Avantree", relying on a sound supply chain and distribution system, the sales network is spread all over the world. The company is headquartered in Luohu, Shenzhen, with branches in the United States, Britain and Hong Kong, and a distributor network in Europe, America and Southeast Asia. In terms of B2C, in addition to the brand's official website (****************), our business is also expanding rapidly on third-party international platforms such as Amazon, Ebay, AliExpress, and Newegg. Avantronics Ltd takes “For a Better Experience” as its vision, “Becomes *** in the wireless Bluetooth adaptation industry” as its strategic goal, adhering to the “craftsmanship spirit”, is committed to providing customers with excellent Bluetooth solutions and experiences, and to make this world A little changed because of us. We sincerely invite all people of insight and lofty ideals to join Avantronics Ltd! Here are our returnee CEOs who perfectly apply advanced western management concepts to create a "dream team" of Avantronics Ltd; here are many successful cases of colleagues across industries. As long as you work hard, here will give you a A stage for completely flying your dreams. Job Responsibilities: Responsible for Amazon product sales management, sales of Amazon global sites; Formulate product sales goals and plans to operate efficiently; Responsible for the formulation and implementation of product promotion plans to ensure the speed and efficiency of product promotion; Ensure that the company's account operates reasonably and compliant, and the age of each channel is reasonable and there is no backlog; Coordinate management of upstream and downstream departments, coordinate communication and promote product sales. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor degree or above, English level 6 or junior college level 8, fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing; 2. Those who have good communication skills and are passionate about work; 3. Have the courage to challenge high salaries, have responsibility and patience, and be able to withstand greater work pressure; 4. Anyone with or without experience is welcome, and those with foreign trade or other English industry experience are preferred. Company treatment: 1. Regular employees enjoy at least one annual salary adjustment opportunity each year; 2. Purchasing five insurances and one fund in accordance with national standards (first-grade comprehensive medical insurance); 3. Perfect training system, providing comprehensive on-the-job training; 4. Broad learning and development space, tailoring career development plans to employees' personal interests and development wishes; 5. Organize group tours once a year; 6. Employees who have been employed for one year can enjoy 3 days of paid leave per year, 2 years, 7 days of paid leave per year, and more than one day per year after 2 years; 7. Year-end awards, annual meetings and generous Chinese New Year red envelopes;
HR 在线沟通
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工作地点: 深圳-罗湖区 嘉宾路粤鹏大厦4楼
温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!
英语 深圳-罗湖区 本科 5-10年
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英语 深圳-罗湖区 本科 1-3年
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Amazon运营 10-20K/月
英语 深圳-罗湖区 本科 1-3年
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