广州-越秀区 外商独资-其他 150-500人
API (Asia Pacific Inspection Limited Company) is the household goods and toys quality specialist of the WORMS SAFETY Alliance, the first global alliance of safety and quality management specialists. Established in 1994, API is a leading quality management company specializing in household goods from early development stage to end of production. API aims to secure the safety and quality of its customers’ products via inspection, laboratory testing (compliance and performance), I-TCF (Product Integrity and Technical Compliance File), audits and sustainability solutions. API’s customers include large international importers, mass-distribution retailers, and specialized brands of furniture, toys, tools and home improvement, electrical products, kitchenware and cookware, and decorations. API is one of the only specialists in quality management solutions addressing and anticipating issues from the industry’s perspective with a deeper technical approach powered by technologically-enriched support. With 1,500 factories visited each year, API’s cross-fertilized services create customized quality management solutions with managed costs.
英语客服跟单 4.5-5.5K/月
英语 广州-越秀区 大专 1-3年
在线沟通 HR
报告审核文员 4.5-5.5K/月
英语 广州-越秀区 大专 1-3年
在线沟通 HR
英语 宁波-鄞州区 大专 经验不限
在线沟通 HR
法语 深圳-罗湖区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
法语 宁波-鄞州区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
英语 广州-越秀区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
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