Associate Director/Director, Oncology Discovery

60-80W/年 上海-徐汇区 10年以上 博士 全职3人 英语(良好)

Associate Director/Director, Oncology Discovery

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五险 公积金 员工旅游 交通补贴 餐补 专业培训 年终奖 弹性工作 定期体检 绩效奖金
Qilu Oncology Discovery is seeking a highly motivated and accomplished Cancer Biologist to play a key role in advancing an innovative Oncology / Immuno-Oncology drug discovery pipeline. The successful candidate will report to the head of Oncology team and be a key member of the Senior Leadership Team. The successful candidate will support the identification and validation of novel cancer targets. S/he is expected to be knowledgeable in the application of cutting-edge molecular, cellular, genetic and pharmacological techniques to develop preclinical disease models. Using a broad range of innovative approaches,s/he is expected to provide deep mechanistic understanding of the target biology and determine the effects of investigational agents. Additionally, the candidate will have the opportunity to work with external collaborators to advance the Discovery pipeline. The successful candidate is expected to be a team player with demonstrated ability to lead multidisciplinary scientific project teams in a drug discovery setting. Key Responsibilities ? Independently design, execute, analyze and present research findings to internal and external audiences. ? Develop disease-relevant preclinical models to address mechanistic questions of target biology. ? Provide cross-departmental scientific leadership on cancer drug discovery programs from initiation to the selection of clinical candidate(s). ? Manage multiple projects and collaborate effectively with stakeholders across the Organization. ? Supervise and manage the activities of research associates. ? Propose and champion new drug target , or pathways for consideration. Qualifications ? Ph.D. and 10+ years of relevant post-doctoral experience in Cancer Cell Biology, Cancer Genetics, Tumor Immunology, or related field, including at least 6 years of research experience in a biotech or pharmaceutical company. ? Competitive candidates are expected to have a strong track-record of independent and innovative research as evidenced by publications in top tier scientific journals and/or presentations at scientific conferences. ? Demonstrated success in contributing and advancing early drug discovery programs through to the identification of clinical candidates. ? Proven experience in leading team(s) of peers and in mentoring junior scientists. ? Outstanding written and oral communication skills. ? Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.
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工作地点: 上海-徐汇区 凯滨国际大厦
温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!
英语 上海-徐汇区 博士 10年以上
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海外登记专员 15-20K/月
英语 上海-徐汇区 硕士 3-5年
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英语 上海-浦东新区 硕士 3-5年
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英语 马鞍山-和县 本科 5-10年
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