Online Marketing - Cross Border Trade (跨境电商)

10-20K/月 深圳-福田区 1-3年 本科 全职3人 英语(精通)

Online Marketing - Cross Border Trade (跨境电商)

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五险 公积金 弹性工作 平台大 年终奖 年底双薪
This role will oversee planning, execution of content marketing and private traffic management for China to build brand and awareness for Walmart Cross Border in China and generate prospective sellers. This role will be responsible for building the CN Walmart Cross Border as a long-lasting brand with its own visual identity and an industry-leading integrated media channels. Main Responsibility: 1. Drive Walmart Cross Border brand awareness through Walmart’s private traffic and other online media channels. 2. Manage Walmart Cross Border WeChat official account by attractive social content, creative fans engagement campaign and trackable operating tool. 3. Build and distribute regular reports with media operation performance update and summary highlights, optimize the result with data driven decisions. 4. Manage vendors, as well as project calendar, timelines, budget and costing. 5. Work closely with BD, Seller Management Team and other stakeholders, collect and arrange their requests, and achieve business goals. 6. Complete other tasks assigned by line manager. Requirement: 1. Bachelor or above in Business, Marketing or a related field. 2. 3 years and above relevant work experience in media operation and online channel marketing, or public relations. 3. Great communications skill in complex matrix dealing with multiple internal and external stakeholders. 4. Ability to work in a fast-paced environment. 5. Proficiency in oral and written English, additional foreign language skill preferred. 6. E-commerce experience is a plus. WMGS doesn’t charge any recruitment or similar fee in the recruitment process including but not limited to interview, offering and onboarding.
HR 在线沟通
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工作地点: 深圳-福田区 岗路 5001 号深业上城(南区)T1 栋 5 楼
温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!
英语 深圳-福田区 本科 应届生
在线沟通 HR
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