
15-20K/月 上海-闵行区 3-5年 本科 全职1人 英语(熟练)


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年终奖 弹性工作 定期体检 十四薪
Duties & Responsibilities: Be responsible to the client’s business growth by sales target perspective. Schedule to visit global clients’ office, their agent’s office & their key vendors’ factories within China region in order to maintain good relationship with them & provide value-added service. Collect clients’ contact information, business trend & potential new business possibility, etc, then to share with related division for action plan to gain more revenue such as inspection division. Update clients of our company bulletin, new regulation, public seminar schedule, etc. and collect client information from their website in order to know more of client product category. Monitor the monthly business volume of each client & investigate if any potential risk and opportunity. Then can plan action plan after internal discussion with related division such as operation & business development to re-solve the problem. Co-ordinate with internal divisions to hold vendor seminar & lab tour to clients, and other value added services. Also monitor & fine tone the local testing kit for global clients & vendors with cooperation from business development & operation teams. Communicate with Asia & market region to tie up vision and strategies on global client development. Skills and Requirements: Good communication technique in both speaking & written of Mandarin & English. Willing to learn, work over time & under pressure. Always keep tidy work & clear recording. Good to work team spirit in the company & good in organize & arrangement. Good skill in computer using, typing, dressing manner, etc. Mature, good leadership & can work independent. Proactive & aggressive. Willing to travel. Self driven,, able to have plan B concept when meeting risk. Education & Experience: Bachelor Degree or above. At least 4 years of working experience in laboratory or trading company or manufacturing factory at mega level.
HR 在线沟通
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工作地点: 上海-闵行区 光华路&光中路,松江区莘砖公路
温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!
英语 上海-闵行区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
英语 上海-闵行区 本科 1-3年
在线沟通 HR
英语 上海-闵行区 本科 5-10年
在线沟通 HR
英语 上海-闵行区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
意大利语 上海-闵行区 本科 1-3年
在线沟通 HR
市场企划专员 10-15K/月
英语 上海-闵行区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
英语 上海-闵行区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
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