
10-15K/月 长沙-雨花区 1年以内 本科 全职3人 德语(六级)


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【机械工程师】Mechanical engineer 岗位职责:负责与客户沟通,了解客户需求设计机械设备的解决方案,与客户进行技术交流、讲解方案;根据中标方案要求与设计研发部门对接机械结构、机械部件研发设计以及机械标准件选型、材料选用等。 Responsibilities:communicates with customers, designs mechanical equipment solutions base on customer requirements, and conducts technical exchanges with and explains solutions to customers; coordinates with the R&D department to develop and design mechanical structures and components, as well as selects mechanical standardparts and materials according to the requirements of the winning bid. 任职资格:机械类相关专业本科以上学历;熟悉机械原理、机械设计、气压系统、Solidworks 等 3D 绘图软件;可接受国内外出差。 Qualifications: Bachelor's degree or above in mechanical engineering or related fields; familiar with mechanical principles, mechanical design, pneumatic systems, Solidworks and other 3D drawing software; accepts domestic andoversea business trips. 【电气工程师】Electrical engineer 岗位职责:负责电气使用说明、操作手册文档编写;项目场内外电气调试,提出调试问题并配合问题整改;负责 PLC 离线程序编写,配合虚拟仿真调试,完成单工位独立调试工作。 Responsibilities: writes electrical usage instructions and operation manuals; implements electrical debugging both inside and outside the project site, identifies debugging findings, and cooperates with problem rectification; writes PLC offline programs, coordinates with virtual simulation debugging, and completes independent debugging for single workstations. 任职资格:电气/自动化/测控类等相关专业本科以上学历;熟悉使用西门子或汇川 PLC 编程软件,专业基础知识扎实;可接受国内外出差。 Qualifications: Bachelor's degree or above in electrical engineering, automation, measurement and control, or related majors; familiar with using Siemens or Inovance PLC programming software, with a solid foundation of professional knowledge; accepts domestic and oversea business trips. 【项目工程师】Project engineer 岗位职责:负责与客户保持良好沟通、协调内外部与项目相关事宜;对项目存在的问题要形成问题清单,及时解决问题,并反馈相关部门;对项目进度的监控、项目质量监控、项目成本的控制、项目风险的管控; Responsibilities: maintains good communication with customers, and coordinates internal and external matters related to projects; creates a list of open issues for each project, resolves the issues in due time, and provide feedback to relevant departments; monitor project progress, quality, cost, and risks. 任职资格:德语/英语/机械或相关管理类专业本科以上学历;沟通能力强,思维活跃,敢于担当;可接受国内外出差。 Qualifications: Bachelor's degree or above in German, English, mechanical engineering or related management majors; possessing excellent communication skills and active thinking, and willing to take on responsibilities; accepts domestic and oversea business trips. 以上岗位英语/德语口语流利优先,1-5 年工作经历或国内外院校应届毕业生均可投递简历;公司提供完善的培训体系及职级晋升培养发展体系。 Fluent spoken English or German is a plus for the above positions, which are open to those with 1-5 years’ work experience or fresh graduates from domestic and foreign universities. The company provides a complete system for training, job promotion, and career development. ————————福利待遇Compensation & Benefits———————— 先惠提供具有竞争力的薪酬及福利,基本工资+绩效工资+年终奖+出差补贴+各项补贴福利,入职购买五险一金及意外险,提供员工宿舍、工作餐、双休、法定节假日、带薪年休假、公司工会福利及部门团体聚餐等活动。 SK provides competitive compensation and benefits, including base pay, merit pay, year-end bonus, business trip subsidy, and other subsidies. The company purchases social insurance and housing fund as well as accident insurance for each new employee immediately after he/she reports to work. The company also offers dormitories, work meals, two-dayweekends, statutory holidays, paid annual leaves, and trade union benefits and organizes department team building activities.
邓女士 在线沟通
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工作地点: 长沙-雨花区 雨花经济开发区振华路109号
温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!
捷克语 长沙-雨花区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 邓女士
英语 长沙-雨花区 本科 1-3年
在线沟通 邓女士
德语 长沙-雨花区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 邓女士
德语 长沙-雨花区 本科 1-3年
在线沟通 邓女士
英语 长沙-雨花区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 邓女士
德语 长沙-雨花区 本科 1年以内
在线沟通 邓女士
英语 长沙-雨花区 本科 1年以内
在线沟通 邓女士
英语 长沙-雨花区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 邓女士
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