Social Media & Influencer Marketing

20-40K/月 北京-朝阳区 3-5年 本科 全职1人 英语(精通)

Social Media & Influencer Marketing

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Responsibilities: - Create a holistic social media, marketing, and strategy plan that aligns with overall business objectives and drives brand awareness, customer engagement, and revenue growth. - Deeply explore the communication methods of mainstream social media channels and other platforms in the target regions, and develop creative strategies for content with social communication effects, including graphics, videos, online and offline activities, etc. - Work with agencies and in-house creative teams to request and create ongoing social campaigns. Work with agency to receive final social creative and schedule posting. - Analyze and research the target regional market environment and industry product/new product analysis, market trends and intelligence analysis, and grasp industry foresight information. - Define and track key performance indicators (KPIs) for social media and marketing campaigns, analyze data, and provide actionable insights to drive continuous improvement. - Stay abreast of industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in social media and marketing, and incorporate innovative approaches into strategies and campaigns. - Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including product, BD, and operations,to ensure integrated and cohesive marketing campaigns across multiple channels. Qualifications: - A Bachelor's degree in Digital Media, PR/Communications, Marketing, Journalism, or a related field. - Passion for social media, influencer and PR - A minimum of three(3) years of relevant experience; demonstrable experience developing and implementing social media initiatives for a professional services firm or company. - Knowledge of social platforms, social strategy, paid social, social analytics, and influencer marketing. - Possess excellent communication, language, listening skills, including creative writing and editing skills and tone of voice attention to detail, to ensure proper and efficient proofreading and writing
HR 在线沟通
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工作地点: 北京-朝阳区 朝阳北路甲27号常营菁英梦谷A3
温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!
英语 北京-朝阳区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
英语 北京-朝阳区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
阿拉伯语 北京-朝阳区 本科 1-3年
在线沟通 HR
英语 北京-朝阳区 大专 5-10年
在线沟通 HR
英语 北京-朝阳区 本科 5-10年
在线沟通 HR
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