
15-30K/月 上海-黄浦区 5-10年 本科 全职1人 日语(精通)


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五险 公积金 餐补 弹性工作
无固定办公室-居家办公,要求日语熟练,英语保证读写。薪资open可谈。 As a member of the Infor Global Professional Services team, a Functional consultant (M3) will be responsible for implementing the industry solutions for Food and Beverage, Distribution, Manufacturing and Fashion industries. A functional consultant will develop and use a combination of skills in the Infor M3 product, industry best practices and the latest implementation methodologies to provide prescriptive consulting to our customers in adopting our industry leading solutions and achieving superior results in a short time. The location for this position is Dalian, China. This position will require travel to customer sites in Japan or other countries. A day in the life of a functional consultant typically Includes: • Conducting workshops with customers on industry standard processes • Assessing the fitment of customer processes to Infor solution • Estimating the efforts required to implement a selected Infor solution • Configuring the Infor solution with customer data and running conference room pilots • Creating functional design documents for customer specific extensions • Conducting validation of customer specific extensions • Assisting customer in migrating their data to the Infor solution • Performing activities leading to go-live • Supporting customers after go-live Required skills/experience: • Japanese language skill: JLPT N1/N2 • Implementation/End user experience with any ERP product in the following industries: Food and Beverage, Distribution, Fashion, Equipment, Manufacturing, Chemicals • Finance consultants: in depth understanding in one or more of the following processes: general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed assets, costing, Japanese tax laws • Supply Chain consultants: in depth understanding one or more of the following processes: procurement, sales, warehouse/inventory, planning, production, maintenance, service Preferred Qualifications: • Fluency in English • Experience in an Infor product 加分项 有以下行业经验:计算机软件
HR 在线沟通
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工作地点: 上海-黄浦区 西藏中路268号来福士广场办公楼15楼
温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!
日语顾问 15-30K/月
日语 上海-黄浦区 本科 5-10年
在线沟通 HR
英语 上海-黄浦区 本科 10年以上
在线沟通 HR
英语 上海-黄浦区 大专 1-3年
在线沟通 HR
英语 深圳-福田区 大专 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
营运分析师 8-13K/月
英语 深圳-福田区 大专 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
英语 上海-黄浦区 本科 经验不限
在线沟通 HR
日语客服 9-13K/月
日语 深圳-福田区 大专 1-3年
在线沟通 HR
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