
30-50K/月 上海-虹口区 5-10年 本科 全职1人 英语(熟练)


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Flexstar Lighting is a leading manufacturer and supplier of indoor gardening and hydroponic equipment. Founded in 2009, Flexstar has been consistently raising the bar on grow light technology, from HID systems to advanced LED systems. Flexstar's products are designed to provide improved plant health, increased yields, superior efficacy, precision control, and predictable production. Flexstar serves more than 1,000 commercial growers who recognize its products' high quality and reliability. Flexstar's mission is to provide efficient lighting solutions through well-established relationships, industry expertise, and innovative technology. We are now seeking an experienced, highly ambitious and professional sales & marketing Leader to join our dynamic team based in the U.S. (more than 30% of one year) The ideal candidate will be responsible for executing activities to explore and strengthen strategic channels. This includes but is not limited to lead sales team, generating sales leads, promoting products, and completing sales transactions, but also to expand the brand into more channels, engaging in trade shows, etc.
HR 在线沟通
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工作地点: 上海-虹口区 海伦路440号金融街(海伦)中心3602-03-04室
温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!
资深Amazon运营 11-18K/月
英语 上海-虹口区 本科 1-3年
在线沟通 HR
外贸业务经理 30-50K/月
英语 上海-虹口区 本科 5-10年
在线沟通 HR
英语 上海-虹口区 本科 经验不限
在线沟通 HR
产品经理 20-30K/月
英语 上海-虹口区 本科 3-5年
在线沟通 HR
英语 上海-虹口区 本科 10年以上
在线沟通 HR
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